DPRD OKU Selatan

DPRD OKU Selatan
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

IWPG, Upacara Penghargaan Final International Loving Peace Art Competition Ke-3


Korea Selatan, LHI

Pada tanggal 6 November pk 15:00 (waktu setempat) di Korea Selatan, International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG, Ketua Hyun Sook Yoon) menggelar upacara penghargaan final dari “International Loving-Peace Art Competition”, yang merayakan ulang tahun ke-3 di tahun ini. Acara yang dihadiri oleh para pemenang dan ratusan perempuan dari seluruh dunia ini menyampaikan ucapan selamat dan semangat kepada seluruh anak-anak dan remaja peserta lomba seni tersebut.

Kompetisi ini merupakan acara budaya perdamaian yang dirancang untuk mengembangkan anak-anak dan remaja, protagonis masa depan, menjadi pemimpin budaya perdamaian. Babak penyisihan diadakan di 98 kota di 28 negara dari bulan Juni hingga Agustus. Mengangkat tema “Penghentian Perang Global, Koeksistensi, Komunikasi, dan Pemulihan Umat Manusia”, sekitar 5.000 siswa berpartisipasi, dan tiga orang dari masing-masing negara yang lolos tahap penyisihan bersaing di final.

Hanbit Oh (SMP Gyeonggi Munsi, usia 15), yang menerima hadiah utama, menggambarkan karyanya, “Saya mencoba untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana setiap orang menyambut dunia yang damai tanpa diskriminasi ras, budaya, atau kaya atau miskin.” Juri menilai pemenang hadiah utama dengan mengatakan, "Ekspresi merpati perdamaian dunia yang terbang di langit biru dengan bendera semua negara di paruhnya sangat mengesankan." Hadiah utama diberikan dengan penghargaan dan beasiswa sebesar 1 juta Won Korea.

Untuk Juara 2, tiga siswa—Franceska Gabriela Sherleen Pagardian dari Indonesia (SD), Dollaya Ploysumrit dari Thailand (SMP), dan Birnel A. Panganiban dari Filipina (SMA)—mendapat sertifikat dan beasiswa masing-masing sebesar 200.000 Won Korea sebagai hadiah.

Untuk Juara 3, enam siswa —Patcharin Jantanarak dari Thailand dan Bujinlkham dari Mongolia di kategori SMA, Kennard Dwiandra Putra dan Sherly Vermont Kwerni dari Indonesia di kategori SMP, Arin Nam dari Korea dan Michelle Fiona dari Indonesia di kategori SD —menerima sertifikat dan beasiswa masing-masing 100.000 KRW sebagai hadiah.

Selain itu, 9 siswa termasuk Bouanani Khaoula dari Maroko menerima Penghargaan Pengakuan, 6 siswa termasuk Yuna Noh dari Republik Korea menerima Penghargaan Khusus Korea (Chairperson's Award dari Federation of Artistic and Culture Organization of Korea, Chairperson's Award dari Korean Fine Arts Association), dan 63 siswa termasuk Kelechi Emanuel dari Kamerun menerima Penghargaan Partisipasi. Karya pemenang akan diterbitkan sebagai katalog dan akan dikirimkan kepada pemenang.

Hyun Sook Yoon, Ketua IWPG, mengatakan, “Acara ini direncanakan dengan harapan bahwa tidak hanya orang dewasa tetapi juga anak-anak dan remaja kita akan berpikir tentang akhir perang dan perdamaian bersama. Kita akan mencapainya,” dia menyemangati para peserta.

Lee Yang-hyeong, ketua panitia juri (penasihat tetap untuk Asosiasi Seni Korea), mengatakan, “Evaluasi dilakukan secara adil dan ketat berdasarkan kreativitas dan kesenian, kesesuaian dengan tema untuk perdamaian, warna dan kelengkapan hasil karya."

Iliwatu Danabeer, presiden Asosiasi Seniman Timor Lorosa'e, mengucapkan selamat kepadanya, dengan mengatakan, "Jika menyangkut perdamaian, kita semua adalah pemenang."

Di sisi lain, IWPG adalah LSM internasional dengan status konsultatif khusus dengan Dewan Ekonomi dan Sosial Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (UN ECOSOC).



On the 6th at 3PM (local time) in South Korea, the International Women's Peace Group (IWPG Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon) held the final awards ceremony of the “International Loving Peace Art Competition”, which celebrated its 3rd anniversary this year. The event was attended by the winners and hundreds of women members from all over the world, sending congratulatory messages and encouragement to all the children and youth participants in the art competition.

The competition is a peace cultural event designed to develop children and youth, the protagonists of the future, into leaders of peace culture. Preliminaries were held in 98 cities throughout 28 countries from June to August. Under the theme of “Cessation of global war, Coexistence, Communication, and Restoration of Humanity', about 5,000 students participated, and three pieces from each country that passed the preliminary stage competed in the finals.

Hanbit Oh (Gyeonggi Munsi Middle School, aged 15), who received the grand prize, described her piece, “I tried to express how everyone welcomes a peaceful world without discrimination of race, culture, or the rich or poor.” The judges evaluated the grand prize, saying, "The expression of the world peace dove flying in the blue sky with the flags of all nations in their beaks is impressive." The grand prize was awarded with an award and a scholarship of 1 million Korean Won.

For 2nd place, three students—Franceska Gabriela Sherleen Pagardian from Indonesia (Elementary School), Dollaya Ploysumrit (Middle School) from Thailand, and Birnel A. Panganiban (High School) from the Philippines—received a certificate and a scholarship of 200,000 KRW each as a prize.

For 3rd place, six students —Patcharin Jantanarak from Thailand and Bujinlkham from Mongolia in the High School division, Kennard Dwiandra Putra and Sherly Vermont Kwerni from Indonesia in the Middle School division, Arin Nam from Korea and Michelle Fiona from Indonesia for the Elementary School division—received a certificate and a scholarship of 100,000 KRW each as a prize.

In addition, 9 students including Bouanani Khaoula from Morocco received the Award of Recognition, 6 students including Yuna Noh from the Republic of Korea received the Korea Special Award (Chairperson's Award from the Federation of Artistic and Culture Organization of Korea, Chairperson's Award from the Korean Fine Arts Association), and 63 students including Kelechi Emanuel from Cameroon received the Participation Award. The winning works will be published as a catalog and will be sent to winners.

Hyun Sook Yoon, Chairwoman of IWPG, said, “This event was planned in the hope that not only adults but also our children and young people would think about the end of war and peace together. We will go,” he encouraged the participants.

Lee Yang-hyeong, chairman of the judging committee (standing advisor to the Korean Art Association), said, “The evaluation was made in a fair and strict manner based on creativity and artistry, suitability to the theme for peace, color and completeness of the work.”

Iliwatu Danabeer, president of the East Timor Artists Association, congratulated him, saying, “When it comes to peace, we are all winners.”

On the other hand, IWPG is an international NGO with a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC). actively unfolding.(ADVERTORIAL)***






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