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IWPG Mengadakan Upacara Penghargaan Final International Loving-Peace Art Competition Ke-5

- Diikuti oleh 10.025 anak dan remaja dari 117 kota di 61 negara

- Bagian dari inisiatif IWPG untuk menyebarkan budaya perdamaian

- Mengirim pesan perdamaian ke seluruh dunia melalui gambar


Pada tanggal 19 November, International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) mengumumkan bahwa mereka menjadi penyelenggara Upacara Penghargaan Final dari International Loving-Peace Art Competition ke-5 melalui Zoom pada 18 November 2023, pk 18:00 WIB.

Acara ini merupakan bagian dari inisiatif IWPG untuk menyebarkan budaya perdamaian ke seluruh dunia dengan menanamkan pola pikir perdamaian di hati anak-anak dan remaja sehingga semua orang dapat bersatu untuk mewujudkan perdamaian dunia dan penghentian perang. Tahun ini, sebanyak 10.255 anak dari 117 kota di 61 negara berpartisipasi. Dibandingkan tahun lalu, ada 9 negara baru yang mengikuti kompetisi tahun ini.

IWPG berkolaborasi dengan asosiasi seni/ seniman nasional untuk mengevaluasi gambar-gambar tersebut dan akhirnya memilih 43 karya termasuk 1 Penghargaan Utama; 1 Penghargaan Emas, 1 Penghargaan Perak, dan 1 Penghargaan Perunggu untuk masing-masing dari 3 divisi (total 9), 5 Penghargaan Pengakuan untuk setiap divisi (total 15), dan Penghargaan Partisipasi.

Ketua Juri final, Bapak Kani Alavi, Presiden East Side Gallery, mengatakan, “Melalui konvensi internasional ini, kita harus menyebarkan berita perdamaian kepada masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Saya yakin jika kerja sama perdamaian ini terus berlanjut, maka perdamaian pada akhirnya akan tiba.”

Kanoknuch Klahan (Thailand, Sripruetta School, divisi Sekolah Menengah Atas), yang mendapat kehormatan memenangkan Hadiah Utama mengatakan, “Dengan gambar ini, saya ingin mengkomunikasikan persatuan masyarakat setiap negara di dunia. Semoga semua orang di planet ini membantu menumbuhkan perdamaian.”

Penghargaan Emas diberikan kepada Jennifer Sharon (Indonesia, divisi SD), Yu Jeong Jun (Republik Korea, divisi SMP), dan Clarissa Yoselin (Indonesia, divisi SMA).

Penghargaan Perak diraih oleh Jinx Liaqat (Pakistan, divisi SD), Natalia Jay Xin Hu (Malaysia, divisi SMP), dan Hussam Salah (Palestina, divisi SMA). Penghargaan Perunggu diberikan kepada Mikaela Allyna Sukma Saputro (Indonesia, divisi SD), Priyanka Chopra (Indonesia, divisi SMP), Hyun Soo Lee (Republik Korea, divisi SMA).

Penghargaan Pengakuan diberikan kepada Alcee Dahnya Zia M. Yarra (Filipina), Sherly Aniket More (India), Yu Gyeong Choi (Republik Korea), Natthanan Chongkitwitsawakan (Thailand), Navanietaa A/P Jeevan (Malaysia), Mouhamad Yousef (Palestina), Chananya ThongThoi (Thailand), Maheen Gulzar (Pakistan), Purevdorj Itgelen (Mongolia), Shaikh Saima Md. Uusuf (India), Dania Aiesha Bt Zuhairee Ariffin (Malaysia), Khalza Enkhsaran (Mongolia), Daniel Suarez (AS), Jawaher Abdalllah Al Ghoul (Lebanon), dan Katerina Vrskova (Republik Ceko).

Kaylie Lee Kennedy dan 8 gambar lainnya juga terpilih untuk menerima Penghargaan Partisipasi.

Penerima Penghargaan Utama akan menerima beasiswa sebesar 1 juta KRW, sedangkan penerima Penghargaan Emas, Perak, dan Perunggu akan menerima masing-masing 300,000 KRW, 200,000 KRW, dan 100,000 KRW. Penerima Penghargaan Pengakuan akan menerima sertifikat, dan semua karya yang diberikan akan ditampilkan dalam brosur seni.

Dalam ucapan selamatnya, Ketua IWPG Hyun Sook Yoon berkata, “Saya melihat dengan cermat gambar semua anak, dunia damai yang diimpikan setiap anak. Saya harap semua orang mengingat semangat perdamaian ini dan berusaha menjadi pemimpin yang membawa perdamaian ke dunia.”

IWPG berencana menjadi penyelenggara International Loving-Peace Art Competition ke-6 kembali yang diadakan tahun depan.






IWPG holds the Final Award Ceremony of the 5th International Loving-Peace Art Competition

 - 10,025 children and youth from 117 cities in 61 countries

- A part of IWPG’s initiative to spread a culture of peace

- Sends a message of peace all around the world through drawings

On Nov 19, International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) announced that they hosted the Final Award Ceremony of the 5th Loving-Peace International Art competition through Zoom on Nov 18 20:00 (KST).

This event is part of IWPG’s initiative to spread a culture of peace around the world by planting the mindset of peace in the hearts of children and youth so that everyone can come together to realize world peace and cessation of war. This year, 10,255 children from 117 cities in 61 countries participated. Compared to last year, 9 new countries joined this year’s competition.

IWPG collaborated with national arts/artist associations to evaluate the drawings and finally selected 43 pieces including 1 Grand Prize; 1 Gold Prize, 1 Silver Prize, and 1 Bronze Prize for each of the 3 divisions (9 in total), 5 Awards of Recognition for each division (15 in total), and Participation Awards.

The Head Judge of the finals, Mr. Kani Alavi, President of East Side Gallery, said, “Through this international convention, we must spread the news of peace to people around the world. I believe that if this peaceful cooperation continues, the time for peace will finally come.”

Kanoknuch Klahan (Thailand, Sripruetta School, High School division), who had the honor of winning the Grand Prize, said, “With this picture, I want to communicate the unity of the people of each country in the world. May everyone on this planet help to make peace grow.”

The Gold Prize went to Jennifer Sharon (Indonesia, Elementary division), Yu Jeong Jun (Republic of Korea, Middle School division), and Clarissa Yoselin (Indonesia, High School division).


The Silver Prize went to Jinx Liaqat (Pakistan, Elementary division), Natalia Jay Xin Hu (Malaysia, Middle School division), and Hussam Salah (Palestine, High School division). The Bronze Prize was awarded to Mikaela Allyna Sukma Saputro (Indonesia, Elementary division), Priyanka Chopra (Indonesia, Middle School division), Hyun Soo Lee (Republic of Korea, High School division).

The Award of Recognition went to Alcee Dahnya Zia M. Yarra (Philippines), Sherly Aniket More (India), Yu Gyeong Choi (Republic of Korea), Natthanan Chongkitwitsawakan (Thailand), Navanietaa A/P Jeevan (Malaysia), Mouhamad Yousef (Palestine), Chananya ThongThoi (Thailand), Maheen Gulzar (Pakistan), Purevdorj Itgelen (Mongolia), Shaikh Saima Md. Uusuf (India), Dania Aiesha Bt Zuhairee Ariffin (Malaysia), Khalzaa Enkhsaran (Mongolia), Daniel Suarez (U.S.A), Jawaher Abdalllah Al Ghoul (Lebanon), and Katerina Vrskova (Czech Republic).

Kaylie Lee Kennedy and 8 other drawing were also selected to receive the Participation Award.

The Grand Prize awardee will receive a scholarship of 1 million KRW, while awardees of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Prize will receive 300,000 KRW, 200,000 KRW, and 100,000 KRW respectively. The Award of Recognition awardees will receive a certificate, and all the awarded pieces will be featured in the art brochure.

In her congratulatory remarks, IWPG Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon said, “I looked at everyone’s drawings very closely, the world of peace that each child dreams of. I hope everyone remembers this spirit of peace and strives to become leaders that bring peace to the world.”

IWPG plans to host the 6th International Loving-Peace Art Competition again next year.


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